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Water reuse in the sanitation process of boxes and pallets Challenge

martes, 16 de julio de 2024

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The challenge is to find an innovative solution that allows water to be reused more times in the sanitization process of Logifruit boxes and pallets.

Ideally, beyond reuse, the technology should provide a reduction in water and/or chemical consumption during sanitization, keeping in mind the high standards of food safety.


Nowadays a large part of the water is reused, but how could we reuse it more and better?:

  1. The pre-wash allows the use of the final wash and rinse water, but it must be replaced every X turns.
  2. In washing and disinfection, the water is mixed with chemicals that ensure the quality of the sanitization, then it is recirculated to the pre-wash.
  3. In the final rinse, there is a constant consumption of mains water that is recirculated to the pre-wash.
Visitas: 614  Descargas: 80

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