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This first edition of the CleanTech Forum is all about making connections. And making them count

el martes, 15 de junio de 2021 de 09:30 a 12:00

Welcome to the first edition of the CleanTech Forum. In this occasion La Pinada Lab and GreenTech Village are connecting Scandinavia and the Valencia Region, bringing together startups, corporates, investors and public administration bodies of Northern and Southern Europe.


La Pinada Lab is an open innovation centre focused on urban sustainability.

Our mission is to enable a more sustainable way of living, and we do so by fostering the collaboration of corporates, startups, public administration, knowledge centres, professionals and the general public.

GreenTech Village is the first and only European Cleantech community situated in the creative heart of Lund, Sweden. Connecting the right people in the right way.

Backed by Cleantech Scandinavia, one of the major cleantech pipelines in the Nordics and renowned business intelligence provider, the GreenTech Village enables startups to directly connect to investors, global corporates, and int´l markets.

ADDRESSED TO: Startups, corporates, investors and public administration bodies of Northern and Southern Europe.

DATE: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 | 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM CEST



La Pinada Lab


GoHub VenturesBIGBAN Inversores Privados
3.967 visitas

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