

Empresa - Plástico

Paterna (Valencia) España

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ADBio Composites is a startup company dedicated to the development and commercial exploitation of tailor-made BIOplastics, a strong alternative to save the planet replacing the traditional plastic based on fossil fuels and very polluting.

Our material is BIO+: BIO-origin + BIOdegradable. From the origin (because they are produced by corn, sugar cane, and sugar beet) to renewable and biodegradable. Our add value is that our material is also compostable. The material goes down by 90% within six months in an industrial composting process. A process that will help companies, without a doubt, to fulfill the EU´s Strategy of plastic reduction by 2030 as well as contribute to make the world a better place to live, our leitmotiv.

networking, start-up, startup, plastics, PLASTICO, biotecnología, emprendedores, innovación



Encuentranos en:

Parque Tecnológico de Paterna C/ Albert Einstein, 5
Paterna (Valencia) España



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Últimas publicaciones

ADBioplastics presenta un innovador bioplástico compostable para envases de alimentos y bebidas en la feria alemana Interpack

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ADBioplastics presenta un innovador bioplástico compostable para envases de alimentos y bebidas en la feria alemana Interpack 

La empresa ADBioplastics está presentando un innovador bioplástico compostable que puede emplearse en aplicaciones de envase de alimentos, bebidas, cosméticos y productos farmacéuticos en la feria Interpack, que ha arrancado esta semana y se prolongará hasta el 10 de mayo en Düsseldorf...


ADBioplastics obtiene el certificado OK industrial compost por la TÜV Austria para espesores hasta 1mm

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ADBioplastics obtiene el certificado OK industrial compost por la TÜV Austria para espesores hasta 1mm 

Los bioplásticos PLA-Premium producidos con el aditivo ADBio PLA+ se descomponen en un máximo de 6 meses convirtiéndose en CO2, abono y agua.

La startup valenciana cumple también con la legislación europea sobre materiales en contacto con alimentos FCM y productos cosméticos. Los...


ADBioplastics launches its additive ADBio PLA+, a biobased and compostable “impact modifier”, which improves the resistance of PLA

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ADBioplastics launches its additive ADBio PLA+, a biobased and compostable “impact modifier”, which improves the resistance of PLA 

With this additive, elongation at break is improved by 7 times compared to conventional PLA.

The Valencian startup has its sights set on the current BIO market and, given the new needs to improve the impact resistance of base PLA, has decided...


SUCCESS STORY: Clamshell made of biobased and compostable PLA-Premium material for fresh bakery products

Actualidad · Noticia

SUCCESS STORY: Clamshell made of biobased and compostable PLA-Premium material for fresh bakery products 

This sustainable material goes for short-term room temperature, long-term frozen and chilled products under EU regulations

Compared with virgin PLA, PLA-Premium grades improve resistance up to 7 times. After the completion in 2020 of the installation of its new...


ADBioplastics participa en Encircular.es, la plataforma que impulsa el cambio hacia una #economíasostenible en la Comunitat

Agenda · Charla - Coloquio

ADBioplastics participa en Encircular.es, la plataforma que impulsa el cambio hacia una #economíasostenible en la Comunitat 

El viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2020

La iniciativa ha sido desarrollada por la Asociación de Diseñadores de la Comunidad Valenciana (ADCV) en colaboración con AVI.

“Queremos cambiar el modelo establecido. Se puede hacer 'business' y salvar el planeta. Las empresas que no se adapten a un modelo verde, no serán...


ADBioplastics en los medios de comunicación (Informativos À Punt)

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ADBioplastics en los medios de comunicación (Informativos À Punt) 

Los medios de comunicación se hacen eco de la asistencia de ADBioplastics, este viernes, a la mesa redonda organizada por la Asociación de Diseñadores de la ...


The ADBioplastics family grows. We are looking for a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to lead our R&D department

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The ADBioplastics family grows. We are looking for a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) to lead our R&D department 

Yes, we want to count on you in our goal of contributing to a greener planet!

At ADBioplastics, we are looking for a Chief Technology Officer – CTO to lead our R&D department developing and implementing projects for the...


PLA-Premium bioplastic is the perfect substitute for the traditional plastic for rigid bakery and pastry packaging

Actualidad · Noticia

PLA-Premium bioplastic is the perfect substitute for the traditional plastic for rigid bakery and pastry packaging 

The grades developed by ADBioplastics enhance elasticity and are less brittle than PLA while maintaining transparency.

European regulations for 2030 strongly push towards a sustainable model with the planet. That is why most national and international supermarkets are...


PLA-Premium of ADBioplastics has been confirmed as the “bio” alternative to PVC for manufacturing profiles

Actualidad · Noticia

PLA-Premium of ADBioplastics has been confirmed as the “bio” alternative to PVC for manufacturing profiles 

The resistance to the impact that we achieve is much better than that of the base PLA”, Lorena García, Managing Director of the startup, has said.

“The key is in our mechanical properties. The resistance to the impact that we achieve is much better than that of the base PLA”, Lorena García,...


ADBioplastics is in the TOP 5 of the best-biobased polymer startups in the world

Actualidad · Noticia

ADBioplastics is in the TOP 5 of the best-biobased polymer startups in the world 

More than 190 startups have participated in the research

We are in the TOP 5 in the world! We are very proud and no wonder. ADBioplastics has been selected as one of the top 5 biobased polymer startups that...


Lorena García, nueva Managing Director de ADBioplastics: «Hay que diversificar el modelo de negocio»

Actualidad · Noticia

Lorena García, nueva Managing Director de ADBioplastics: «Hay que diversificar el modelo de negocio» 

El objetivo de ADBioplastics es claro: «convertirnos en una empresa de referencia ofreciendo la más alta calidad en bioplásticos del mercado»

Desde el pasado mes de abril Lorena García asume el mando de ADBioplastics, una startup valenciana con gran proyección y un producto singular: su...


ADBioplastics dona 200 kilos de PLA-Premium para fabricar pantallas protectoras contra el coronavirus

Actualidad · Noticia

ADBioplastics dona 200 kilos de PLA-Premium para fabricar pantallas protectoras contra el coronavirus 

El material irá destinado a proteger al personal sanitario de Madrid, una de las ciudades más castigadas del mundo por el covid-19

La donación se enmarca en la campaña solidaria CovidMakers Getafe impulsada por los vecinos de este municipio, de una forma altruista. La startup...


ADBioplastics will give a pitch in the Bio-Stars session of the World Bio Markets with L´Oréal, BASF, Dupont o

Actualidad · Noticia

ADBioplastics will give a pitch in the Bio-Stars session of the World Bio Markets with L´Oréal, BASF, Dupont o 

The great world meeting about bioeconomy will take place from March 23 to 25 in Amsterdam.

ADBioplastics will also be an exhibitor with a modern stand (A1) located in the main building. The great world meeting about bioeconomy is coming...


ADBioplastics attends the European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin as an exhibitor with BASF and NatureWorks

Actualidad · Noticia

ADBioplastics attends the European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin as an exhibitor with BASF and NatureWorks 

This congress is consolidated as the leading business platform to boost the global bioplastics industry.

After the success of the last edition, this congress is consolidated as the leading business platform to boost the global bioplastics industry. The...


Iván Navarro: “At the K 2019 fair, producers were desperately looking for biodegradable solutions"

Actualidad · Noticia

Iván Navarro: “At the K 2019 fair, producers were desperately looking for biodegradable solutions" 

ADBioplastics takes stock of its passage through the K 2019 trade fair in Germany

ADBioplastics takes stock of its passage through the K 2019 trade fair, which took place from October 16 to 23, interviewing Iván Navarro, Ph.D. in...


ADBioplastics will participate in “Big Plastics Debate” with CEP, ANAIP, and CSIC at Empack trade fair

Actualidad · Noticia

ADBioplastics will participate in “Big Plastics Debate” with CEP, ANAIP, and CSIC at Empack trade fair 

This Valencian startup will have a stand in Hall 5 - 3N06, where it will give a conference on bioplastics

Iván Navarro, Project Manager, will participate on November 14 in a debate on plastics and in a conference, in which he will address the success...


ADBioplastics participa en el Congreso sobre los ODS de la ONU para fomentar la sostenibilidad del planeta

Actualidad · Noticia

ADBioplastics participa en el Congreso sobre los ODS de la ONU para fomentar la sostenibilidad del planeta 

Contaremos con un stand ubicado en La Marina Real de Valencia a partir de las 9:15 horas para hablar de las alternativas BIO

Este jueves tienes una cita con la sostenibilidad del planeta, en Valencia. Mañana se celebra el día de las Naciones Unidas con un Congreso...


ADBioplastics, speaker at Bioplastics Business Breakfast during K 2019 with Total Corbion and NaturWorks

Actualidad · Noticia

ADBioplastics, speaker at Bioplastics Business Breakfast during K 2019 with Total Corbion and NaturWorks 

Together with ITENE, we will be at Hall 5/E01, where we will attend companies and visitors interested in BIOplastics

Four days of marathon presentations where only the best respond and ADBioplastics is among them. Our company has been chosen from hundreds of...


ADBioplastics will be an exhibitor at South Summit 2019, the world reference event for startups and investors

Actualidad · Noticia

ADBioplastics will be an exhibitor at South Summit 2019, the world reference event for startups and investors 

In our Stand 121 located in the MarketPlace we will attend investors who want to invest in bioplastics to #savetheplanet

Glovo o Cabify came out of there! ADBioplastics will attend the event of the year for startups. We are talking about South Summit. This edition will...


ADBioplastics will present the “sweet” bottle at #Ftalks19, the biggest event of the year in food innovation o

Actualidad · Noticia

ADBioplastics will present the “sweet” bottle at #Ftalks19, the biggest event of the year in food innovation o 

Together with Heis Global, he will make know this case of success at a round table moderated by the journalist Estefanía Pastor.

ADBioplastics, a Valencian bioplastic manufacturer, will participate in #ftalks19 the biggest event of the year on food organized by KM Zero, which...




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